
Showing posts from March, 2021

“Thank You For Smoking"

  Abby Higgins  3/18/21 Media Law & Ethics  During the movie “Thank You For Smoking” there are various examples of ethical questions raised in the film.  This movie is based on a man named Nick Naylor who works for a big tobacco company whose main job is to promote cigarettes which causes an uproar in society. However, Nick Naylor is also a caring father who tries to be a role model for his son while facing criticism from every one among him. Even though he wants the best for his son his position at the tobacco company affects his son in a very negative way.   Throughout this film, Naylor is constantly lying about how harmful tobacco is and is trying to make light of something that is clearly harmful.  The main ethical question raised is based on the fact that he is supporting a company that causes health hazards throughout society. One of the main health o=concerns that cigarettes can cause is cancer  Although he knows all the negative effects cigarettes have he tries to persuade