“Thank You For Smoking"

 Abby Higgins 


Media Law & Ethics 

During the movie “Thank You For Smoking” there are various examples of ethical questions raised in the film.  This movie is based on a man named Nick Naylor who works for a big tobacco company whose main job is to promote cigarettes which causes an uproar in society. However, Nick Naylor is also a caring father who tries to be a role model for his son while facing criticism from every one among him. Even though he wants the best for his son his position at the tobacco company affects his son in a very negative way.   Throughout this film, Naylor is constantly lying about how harmful tobacco is and is trying to make light of something that is clearly harmful. 

The main ethical question raised is based on the fact that he is supporting a company that causes health hazards throughout society. One of the main health o=concerns that cigarettes can cause is cancer  Although he knows all the negative effects cigarettes have he tries to persuade people into thinking cigarettes are not hazardous. This displays his lack of morals and ethical guidelines. 

Through the movie, we see examples of how persuasive he can be. In one part he and his son are discussing what flavor is better vanilla or chocolate. During this conversation, he tells his son that it never matters which one is better and that people should have the freedom to choose for themself. All though this is a less controversial topic than cigarettes it still displays his moral flexibility. 

Another part of this movie that exhibits a lack of ethical guideless is how they recruit people to work for them through a bribe. At the start of the movie, it is shown how they use sports cars and timeshares to lure people to work for them. They do this because working for a tobacco company isn't the most desirable job so by persuading them with gifts they can get more employees. 

Another person who displays ethical issues is journalist Heather Hollway. Heather is writing a story about Nick and does anything she can to get information on him. She even sleeps with him on many occasions just to find out more details about his life. After she gained all her information on him she released an article exposing everything he told her. Most people would think Heather would get in trouble for doing this, however, due to the fact that she was protected so she faced no consequences. 

Although this movie was made many years ago I can see how it relates to society especially kids in college. So many people get addicted to tobacco and tobacco companies are continuing to make numerous amounts of money. 

As said before these many examples show how this movie goes against what is ethically right. Starting off with Nick, he constantly goes against these guidelines by supporting a tobacco company.  Heather Hollway is also displaying this by manipulating Nick just to gain information on his company. All these examples show how this movie displays acts that are morally and ethically wrong. 


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