Blog 5


In today's modern world many people are scared to share their opinion especially when it comes to a controversial topic. Controversial topics can get people in a lot of trouble in today's time.  This is why mainstream media d
Doesn't have many news articles like or American Conservative. WWI is an example of when Americans were mad that America was entering a war. People who supported Anti-war did not believe that America should get involved in a war.  As a result of their actions, many of them were punished and even thrown in jail and disowned by society. Due to this, many people don't want to speak out against this because they are scared of what could happen to them.  However, these websites have a platform in which they can share their beliefs without the fear of being punished or judged by others. When browsing through America's Conservative one of the article titles is “How our pointless wars made life hell for religious minorities”. This is just one example o
f a powerful Anti-War statement. These statements can sometimes result in arguments in the mainstream media which is why these websites are so challenging to find. Although arguments can be brought up due to certain beliefs I believe that on a certain level everyone should have the right to express what they believe even if it may upset people.




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