Blog post 1

 The five news reports that I use are Buzzfeed, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and Tic Toc.  I use Buzzfeed to catch up on the latest celebrities gossip and news. On the other hand, I would use Snapchat to keep up with what my friends and my different subscriptions. Snapchat keeps me not only updated on pop-culture but also updated on worldwide news.  For instagram I follow differnt news outlets including enews and lifestyle news. These differnt accounts give me quick acsess to the lastest news. For twitter I follow various accounts that I am intersted in which keeps me up to date with everthing that is going on. Similar to the rest of my example Tic Yoc is a source which provides my news in a short videos. These differnt apps give me the abilty to get my news in a fast and reliable way. 


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