
Showing posts from September, 2020

Black Lives Matter/ Week 4

  Throughout the past couple of years, the Black Lives Matter movement has been a topic of conversation. One of the main points of the first amendment is freedom of speech. This is something which the black lives matter protest relates to where African Americans have the right to speak up for what they believe in. Throughout many years they did not have this right however this organization gives them the opportunity to fight for their rights. People are able to stand up for what they believe in.  However, the first amendment does not condone violence. Through these protests, there have been many violent actions committed including breaking in stores and rioting throughout cities.  This is something that the first amendment does not condone. Even though the government can limit the protest they can't completely stop them.  This is because they have the right to freedom of speech which can not be stopped by the police or the government. Recently these protests have been occurring in

Supreme Court/ Week 3

  The Supreme Court of the United States also known as SCOTUS has the most power in the federal court. The supreme court was created in 1789, and throughout many years the supreme court has power over laws and it even has the ability to check over the Executive branch and the Legislative branch. The Executive branch follows forward with the laws, while the legislative branch creates the laws. One of the first acts that were signed was the Judiciary Act which was signed by George Washinton. The court first documented meeting took place on February 2, 1790. Through the Supreme Court, there are justices that are confirmed by the U.S senate. Throughout the year there has been a different number of seats that congress has set however, ever since in 1869 there have been 9 seats.  Some of the supreme court justices include John Marshal who was chief justice. Another important figure was Charles Evan Hudges who created freedom of speech and press. The last important person was Earl Warren who

Blog post 1

 The five news reports that I use are Buzzfeed, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and Tic Toc.  I use Buzzfeed to catch up on the latest celebrities gossip and news. On the other hand, I would use Snapchat to keep up with what my friends and my different subscriptions. Snapchat keeps me not only updated on pop-culture but also updated on worldwide news.  For instagram I follow differnt news outlets including enews and lifestyle news. These differnt accounts give me quick acsess to the lastest news. For twitter I follow various accounts that I am intersted in which keeps me up to date with everthing that is going on. Similar to the rest of my example Tic Yoc is a source which provides my news in a short videos. These differnt apps give me the abilty to get my news in a fast and reliable way.