Supreme Court/ Week 3

 The Supreme Court of the United States also known as SCOTUS has the most power in the federal court. The supreme court was created in 1789, and throughout many years the supreme court has power over laws and it even has the ability to check over the Executive branch and the Legislative branch. The Executive branch follows forward with the laws, while the legislative branch creates the laws. One of the first acts that were signed was the Judiciary Act which was signed by George Washinton. The court first documented meeting took place on February 2, 1790. Through the Supreme Court, there are justices that are confirmed by the U.S senate. Throughout the year there has been a different number of seats that congress has set however, ever since in 1869 there have been 9 seats.  Some of the supreme court justices include John Marshal who was chief justice. Another important figure was Charles Evan Hudges who created freedom of speech and press. The last important person was Earl Warren who banned school segregation as well as put the Miranda rights in place. Some of the main supreme court cases include the Warren pro Civil rights decision which is when the court completely denied the rights of slaves to gain citizenship as well as many other important cases.  



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