Week 11

 The premise of all these Ted Talks displays how invasive social media can be. In today's modern world society faces backlash when it comes to social media. During these ted talks, we learned about the effects of social media and how different apps including Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat have changed the world. Companies including one called face.com have roughly 18 billion human faces which are all provided online. This mind-blowing statistic shows how invasive technology can be. Furthermore, police departments have the ability to gain confidential information on people. For example, location information can reveal a lot of sensitive information about someone and their whereabouts. There are even automatic license plate readers that keep tabs on every driver that passes by. This information can provide where you are located and also who you are with. 

Other than social media in many cases, people can actually listen to your conversations over the phone due to wiretapping assistance provided to the government. This can give anyone access to here your personal conversation. This person may be your government, however, it also could be a hacker, criminal, or a stalker.

From my personal experience, I have seen how invasion social media can be from the different apps that I use. For example, when I use Instagram different ads will pop up displaying items that I would be interested in. This aspect of social media creeps me out knowing how my phone knows actually
how to target me based on what I have been searching up.



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