Black Lives Matter/ Week 4


Throughout the past couple of years, the Black Lives Matter movement has been a topic of conversation. One of the main points of the first amendment is freedom of speech. This is something which the black lives matter protest relates to where African Americans have the right to speak up for what they believe in. Throughout many years they did not have this right however this organization gives them the opportunity to fight for their rights. People are able to stand up for what they believe in.  However, the first amendment does not condone violence. Through these protests, there have been many violent actions committed including breaking in stores and rioting throughout cities.  This is something that the first amendment does not condone. Even though the government can limit the protest they can't completely stop them.  This is because they have the right to freedom of speech which can not be stopped by the police or the government. Recently these protests have been occurring in many of the major cities and have caused much damage. Although they are standing up for what they believed in they could be taking a different approach on how to do so. People like Martin Lurther King believed in a non violent Protest which is a more sucesful way to protest against anything.


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