
Showing posts from October, 2020

Blog 5

     In today's modern world many people are scared to share their opinion especially when it comes to a controversial topic. Controversial topics can get people in a lot of trouble in today's time.  This is why mainstream media d Doesn't have many news articles like or American Conservative. WWI is an example of when Americans were mad that America was entering a war. People who supported Anti-war did not believe that America should get involved in a war.  As a result of their actions, many of them were punished and even thrown in jail and disowned by society. Due to this, many people don't want to speak out against this because they are scared of what could happen to them.  However, these websites have a platform in which they can share their beliefs without the fear of being punished or judged by others. When browsing through America's Conservative one of the article titles is “How our pointless wars made life hell for religious minorities”. This is j

History Of Email

  Abby Higgins  10/9/2020                                                                           History of Email The email was created by a man named Ray Tomlinson who was a computer engineer as well as the first man to ever send an email in 1971. He created a new form of communication that has been used nationwide. Before the creation of email, there wasn't any way of sending something electronically until email. Ever since 1971 email has rapidly evolved to what is one of the most used platforms in the nation.  Although email has advanced rapidly since Ray Tomlinson, some of his methods are still in place today. In the first email, Ray Tomlinson used the @ symbol which is still used today. In 1972, email users were allowed to forward messages and also reply to emails similar to what people do today. In 1981, ASCII encoding was created which is a way to represent a text or symbols on a computer.  Studies show that in 2015, there were roughly 2.6 email participants worldwide how

Video Cameras and Recorders/ Blog post 8

  The technology that I learned about during the class presentations was video cameras and recorders. I learned that John Braid, a Scottish engineer, was someone who helped create this invention. The video cameras first-ever experiment occurred in the 1900s and by the 1930s new electronic video was created by Philo Farnsworth and Vladimir Zworykin. This new electronic advancement was one of the main sources of film in the entertainment industry. Soon after that many more advances took place including the upgrade of digital video capture. The main usage of these cameras was the military to ensure safety and protection. As time went on smaller cameras were created. For example cameras on the iPhone and webcams. When these cameras first came out they were very low quality however, as time continued the quality of the photos advanced at a rapid past                                                                                           Link

Theory of individual Self Fulfillment/ Week 6

Abby Higgins In many cases, social media is a platform in which individuals can express themself and create their own identity. This has been seen through celebrities as well as different people in society. Different social media platforms can include Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and snap chat. These platforms give people the chance to express themself in a way that they couldn't before. This relates to the Theory of individual Self Fulfillment is a way in which one can express themself as well as their identity. Many celebrities express themself and their opinions on society because they have a large platform. For instance, many famous people will express their opinion on politics. Rapper Kanye West is someone who is not afraid to share his opinion. On multiple occasions, Kanye has spoken about voting and supporting Trump on different social media platforms. In one of Kanye's tweets, he said "One of my favorite of many things about what the Trump hat represents to