Theory of individual Self Fulfillment/ Week 6

Abby Higgins

In many cases, social media is a platform in which individuals can express themself and create their own identity. This has been seen through celebrities as well as different people in society. Different social media platforms can include Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and snap chat. These platforms give people the chance to express themself in a way that they couldn't before. This relates to the Theory of individual Self Fulfillment is a way in which one can express themself as well as their identity.

Many celebrities express themself and their opinions on society because they have a large platform. For instance, many famous people will express their opinion on politics. Rapper Kanye West is someone who is not afraid to share his opinion. On multiple occasions, Kanye has spoken about voting and supporting Trump on different social media platforms. In one of Kanye's tweets, he said "One of my favorite of many things about what the Trump hat represents to me is that people can’t tell me what to do because I’m black,". However, many people were outraged by this tweet because he was supporting Trump. 

Another example of celebrities expressing themself on social media is during the Black lives protest. Many people with larger platforms showed their support on apps including Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Facebook. Not only did celebrities do this also many normal people in society also showed their support by either posting their thoughts or posting a black screen to show their support. This act on social media continued for many months.

Many people with a large following on social media can also have a large impact on people in society. Since they have a large following, they like to portray their life to be perfect when it's not. Many famous Instagrammers have lip fillers, eye lifts, and other plastic surgery which enhances the way they look. Although they are expressing themself this can harm society and the way they feel about themselves. This makes people in society think that they have to live up to this unrealistic beauty standard. Celebrities like Kylie Jenner post on Instagram posting about her make up line wanting girls to buy her lipsticks to make their lips look like her. However, in reality, Kylie Jenner has been through many surgeries to make her lips look like that. Social media has had both a positive and negative impact on how society views itself and the way people use it to express themselves



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