Week 12

During this assignment, I researched Disinformation and the different effects that it can have on society. Disinformation Is the act of delivering false information that can also be misleading and bias information to influence the public. Disinformation is used frequently in businesses as well as politics. Disinformation can also be seen through conspiracy theories, a manipulated paragraph, or just a rumor that someone spreads. Many people tend to mix up Disinformation and Misinformation however, they are two different concepts. Disinformation purpose is to cause harm to a person, social group organization, and country, unlike misinformation which is not created to cause harm. Disinformation can be very powerful as well as destructive.

Many countries do this in hopes of spreading fake information to their rival nations. In many cases on social media, Disinformation occurs repeatedly and it is a significant problem. Social media is also a way that disinformation can be spread rapidly. This is because people don't know the information is fake so they decide to spread it on their platforms. In many cases, this happened to people with a large platform. People like Kylie Jenner and other celebrities constantly promote beauty products to their following. However, there have been many cases where these celebrities will post falsely advertised products and cause harm to society. In particular, one of the products that some celebrities endure was weight loss products. These highly influential people are prompting these products without realizing the health effects that it can have on society. 

In recent news, some people believe that Disinformation has occurred during COVID-19. During the pandemic, various rumors were being spread about the virus. Although some of them were true there were also false rumors being spread to the public. In one case there was a video that made headlines called the “Plandamic” Through this video there were various false claims as well as conspiracy theories about COVID- 19. One of the claims that this video stated was that wearing a mask would worsen the virus. This video spread rapidly through social media and even received millions of views on Facebook. 

Disinformation ultimately has had a large effect on society and what people believe. There are no cases where Disinformation can have a positive effect on the public because its main goal is to influence them negatively. As I said before people with large platforms can even use disinformation on different products. I think that this is very damaging to the younger generation because people like myself and friends look up to people with these large platforms. Although I haven't purchased a product that has been prompted by a celebrity I know many of my friends have. Fortunately, these products were safe however, in many cases these products can have a negative effect as well as health risks. Disinformation ultimately has been used on various platforms to inspire the public and persuade them to believe something that is not true. 

                                                     Work Cited

Kelly, J. (2020, October 16). "Misinformation" vs. "Disinformation": Get Informed On The Difference. 

    Retrieved December 07, 2020, from https://www.dictionary.com/e/misinformation-vs-disinformationget-informed-on-the-difference/

                                                                    Video Link 


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