Week 15


Abby Higgins 

Media Law and Literacy 

Throughout the past, many year's social media has taken the world by storm. Our generation has been obsessed with the idea of social media including different apps like Instagram, Facebook, snap chat, and many others. Ever since I was in the Eighth grade I have created my Instagram and Facebook accounts and ever since I have downloaded various other accounts like Snapchat and Twitter. 

When posting on these apps I usually just display pictures of me and my friends. The app that I use the most consistently is Instagram. Instagram is something that I partake frequently by posting about every other week. When my followers view my account that can gain an immense amount of information about me. For example, when I travel I usually post on my Instagram. This shows my followers exactly the places that I have recently visited as well as the people I was with. For example, when I traveled to Fordia I posted on Instagram which prompted many of my friends and family to ask me where I was in Florida.  Although I don't post a lot of private information on these accounts there was a time where my snap chat was in my bio on Instagram I did this because snap chat is an easy way to communicate with people which is why I chose to display that information. 

Although social media is a great platform for many people to express themself It also can cause A lot of mental issues in society. In many cases, people post an unrealistic version of their lives. This can cause people to feel insecure as well as depressed. Models like Kylie Jenner and many others also post an unrealistic beauty standard which can cause a lot of harm to society. This is something that I have seen a lot in society that girls will concisely compare themself to these pictures and think that they are not good enough. Although social media does have a lot of positive aspects it also can be very destructive to society.

What most people don't know is how social media has the ability to track your every move as well as manipulating what we buy and ultimately how we view the world.  This aspect is a very scary part of Social Media. Many companies have the ability to collect personal data without our knowledge. This makes a lot of people second guess themself when downloading different apps. 



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