
“Thank You For Smoking"

  Abby Higgins  3/18/21 Media Law & Ethics  During the movie “Thank You For Smoking” there are various examples of ethical questions raised in the film.  This movie is based on a man named Nick Naylor who works for a big tobacco company whose main job is to promote cigarettes which causes an uproar in society. However, Nick Naylor is also a caring father who tries to be a role model for his son while facing criticism from every one among him. Even though he wants the best for his son his position at the tobacco company affects his son in a very negative way.   Throughout this film, Naylor is constantly lying about how harmful tobacco is and is trying to make light of something that is clearly harmful.  The main ethical question raised is based on the fact that he is supporting a company that causes health hazards throughout society. One of the main health o=concerns that cigarettes can cause is cancer  Although he knows all the negative effects cigarettes have he tries to persuade

Blog 7

       The Diffusion Theory is a theory that explains how different ideas spread at a certain rate and how a certain item is communicated throughout time. One creation that has been made is the app Tik Tok. This is an app similar to vine where anyone in the world can upload short videos of themselves and post them on the internet. Before Quarantine the app was popular however, there was a major spike of views once Quarantine began making it one of the most popular apps. This is an app that the majority of society has downloaded and has pretty much taken over social media. People will spread Tik Toks by sharing the content with their friends and family. I remember the first time I ever heard of Tik Tok was through my friends. Although Tik Tok has been very popular over the last couple of months there are some downsides that come along with the app. Some of the Videos include racial slurs, bullying, and other harmful acts. This aspect of Tok Tik is the part of the app that is harmful to

Week 11

 The premise of all these Ted Talks displays how invasive social media can be.  In today's modern world society faces backlash when it comes to social media. During these ted talks, we learned about the effects of social media and how different apps including Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat have changed the world. Companies including one called have roughly 18 billion human faces which are all provided online. This mind-blowing statistic shows how invasive technology can be. Furthermore, police departments have the ability to gain confidential information on people. For example, location information can reveal a lot of sensitive information about someone and their whereabouts. There are even automatic license plate readers that keep tabs on every driver that passes by. This information can provide where you are located and also who you are with.  Other than social media in many cases, people can actually listen to your conversations over the phone due to wiretapping assi

Week 13

                                                                 During the presentations, I learned a lot of information about theories and the key concepts like Illusory truth effect, Confirmation Bias, Gatekeeping,  The first concept that was spoken about was the Illusory truth effect. This is when someone believes in false information due to repetition. People who hear certain statements repeated are more likely to believe it compared to statements that aren't repeated.  The next concept was Confirmation Bias which can have a large impact on how we recall and interpret information. This is when someone favors certain information by finding evidence of existing beliefs. People usually believe in information that supports the views as opposed to information that doesn't.  On the other hand, Gatekeeping is the next Theory that was brought up during the presentations. Gatekeeping is when someone filters certain information whether it from the news from their friends or from oth

Week 15

  Abby Higgins  Media Law and Literacy  Throughout the past, many year's social media has taken the world by storm. Our generation has been obsessed with the idea of social media including different apps like Instagram, Facebook, snap chat, and many others. Ever since I was in the Eighth grade I have created my Instagram and Facebook accounts and ever since I have downloaded various other accounts like Snapchat and Twitter.  When posting on these apps I usually just display pictures of me and my friends. The app that I use the most consistently is Instagram. Instagram is something that I partake frequently by posting about every other week. When my followers view my account that can gain an immense amount of information about me. For example, when I travel I usually post on my Instagram. This shows my followers exactly the places that I have recently visited as well as the people I was with. For example, when I traveled to Fordia I posted on Instagram which prompted many of my frie

Week 12

During this assignment, I researched Disinformation and the different effects that it can have on society. Disinformation Is the act of delivering false information that can also be misleading and bias information to influence the public. Disinformation is used frequently in businesses as well as politics. Disinformation can also be seen through conspiracy theories, a manipulated paragraph, or just a rumor that someone spreads. Many people tend to mix up Disinformation and Misinformation however, they are two different concepts. Disinformation purpose is to cause harm to a person, social group organization, and country, unlike misinformation which is not created to cause harm. Disinformation can be very powerful as well as destructive. Many countries do this in hopes of spreading fake information to their rival nations. In many cases on social media, Disinformation occurs repeatedly and it is a significant problem. Social media is also a way that disinformation can be spread rapidly. T

Blog 5

     In today's modern world many people are scared to share their opinion especially when it comes to a controversial topic. Controversial topics can get people in a lot of trouble in today's time.  This is why mainstream media d Doesn't have many news articles like or American Conservative. WWI is an example of when Americans were mad that America was entering a war. People who supported Anti-war did not believe that America should get involved in a war.  As a result of their actions, many of them were punished and even thrown in jail and disowned by society. Due to this, many people don't want to speak out against this because they are scared of what could happen to them.  However, these websites have a platform in which they can share their beliefs without the fear of being punished or judged by others. When browsing through America's Conservative one of the article titles is “How our pointless wars made life hell for religious minorities”. This is j